
कला-संस्कृति का महाकुंभ जी हाँ....एक ऐसा सांस्कृतिक महोत्सव जिसमे पूरे उत्तराखंड सहित देश के सभी भागों से हजारों संख्या में कलाप्रेमी, रंगकर्मी, धार्मिक गुरु,ऋषि मुनि,साहित्यकार,शिल्पकार  के साथ-साथ लोक गायन ,लोक नृत्य, शास्त्रीय नृत्य जैसे कला के विभिन्न विधाओं की प्रस्तुति होगी। इस अवसर पर 'गंगा अवतरण' को नृत्य नाटिका द्वारा गंगा के मध्य बने मंच पर प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा। लेजर शो के माध्यम से भी गंगा के उदगम को प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा। आप सादर आमंत्रित हैं।

The New Era Of Paridhi


Paridhi in Hindi mean a host of things – from a circumference or circle to the ocean, the halo around the sun or the moon: Something in continuum or infinite.

The CIRCLE in every culture symbolises wholeness -- the experience of unity. A circle has no beginning, no end; it reflects the constant flow and movement of the cycles of life, death, rebirth. It is also a symbol of the Self.

This is the philosophy behind the PARIDHI LOGO.

Why Logo in 2 color

Like human beings body with soul means 2 elements, body color is jet black that showing reality and all colors mixing in one tone and Red color is soul of the logo because of its intensity and high wavelength.

Who is behind this creativity!

And the man and the mind who has given shape to this symbol of eternal life cycle by way of a simple brushstroke and innovative use of fonts and lettering is an artist who has been expressing himself in different forms for over 25 years -- Qazi Mohammad Raghib. A well known designer in India and having worked with media houses abroad, Qazi has been associated with the art and media world for the last 25 years after he obtained his masters degree in fine arts in 1986. Over the years Qazi has had the opportunity to create and launch several newspapers, magazines, tabloids – also because he combines with his artistic talent an innate sense of the business.

A designer, painter, photographer, art critic and TV anchor Qazi wears many hats with comfort. He has also been a judge in art shows, fashion shows and speaker on art. As he simply puts it:  “LIFE IS A SKETCH OF DIFFERENT STROKES.”